NGO "Centre for Research and Revival of Volyn"

Welcome to Ladomyriia!

Ethnopark “Ladomyriia” is a home, where true authenticity lives!

Ancient and nearly forgotten crafts come to life here. The old houses, where our great-great-grandparents lived, reappear here, and the clothes they used to wear are recreated.

Here you will experience the way how Ukrainians of Volyn lived in the 19-20th centuries, the apparel they wore and the meals they had. Well, not only see, but also wear, weave, taste and take plenty of pictures.



have paid a visit to Ladomyriia in 2023.

Now we are waiting for you!

Projects of Ladomyriia

“Ladomyriia” is way more than an ethnopark. Here you will find yourself in a multi-format cultural space that is developed in different directions and dimensions. In recent years, we have implemented several large-scale projects to disseminate and popularize the cultural code of Ukrainians.


We collect and recreate Ukrainian traditional clothes all over the world.


We teach to introduce ethnicity to fashion and create ethnic fashion brands.

History of Ladomyriia

Ethnopark appeared as the result of efforts and activities of the Centre for Research and Revival of Volyn since 2010.

The year 2019 marked the beginning of the revitalization of the former industrial enterprise in Radyvyliv, Rivne region, where Ladomyriia is now located.

In 2020, the ethnopark opened its doors to the first visitors.

Made in Ladomyriia

Authentic Clothing


Farm Products

Ladomyriia News

Гості «Ладомирії»: в етнопарк завітав український професор Сергій Сегеда

Нещодавно в етнопарк «Ладомирія» завітав український антрополог та етнолог, археолог, доктор історичних наук, професор, провідний науковий співробітник інституту народознавства НАН України Сергій Сегеда. «В етнопарку

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У «Ладомирії» запрацює виставка українського літнього вбрання

У суботу, 1 червня, о 10:00 годині в етнопарку «Ладомирія» (м.Радивилів, вул.Шкільна,1) відбудеться відкриття виставки старовинного українського вбрання. Ми презентуємо традиційний літній одяг Волині. Відвідувачі

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