NGO "Centre for Research and Revival of Volyn"

The costume of Zarichne district


Zarichne district of Rivne region, late 19th – early 20th centuries.

Made by an authentic sample.

The re-created costume consists of a shirt, a skirt “portyukha”, an apron, a ‘krayka’ and a shawl.

The shirt is made of two pieces (‘pilka’), with a shoulder insert “gestka”. Straight armhole cut, covered with a narrow strip. The “gestka” yoke and the armhole are decorated with multi-coloured cross-stitch embroidery, floral-geometric and anthropomorphic ornaments. The sleeves are decorated with woven overlapping patterns, red threads with white and blue interspersed.

The skirt “portiukh” is made of linen homespun fabric. It is decorated with red and black woven stripes, created by the technique of woven weaving.

The shawl is made of linen homespun cloth. The edges are decorated with knitted tassels.

The apron is made of white fabric, decorated with red and black stripes, made by twill weaving technique. White crocheted lace is sewn on the bottom.

The woven “krayka” belt is woven from multi-coloured woollen threads.

Sizes: 36 – 42.

Sale of the separate elements of the costume is available.

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